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Maroondah Winter Shelter Volunteer Registration Form

Do you have any medical conditions we should be aware of?
Have you volunteered for Maroondah Winter Shelter in the past?
Do You have First Aid qualifications?
Do you have a food handling certificate?

Maroondah Winter Shelter Roles

Morning Shift Worker – Help with breakfast, clean up breakfast and lunch making facilities. Pack up trailer with the help of the guests. 7:00am – 9:00am.

Evening Shift Worker – Arrive at 5:30pm. Welcome guests. Set up with the help of the guests. Dine and socialise with guests. Assist with kitchen duties. Relax with guests. 5:30pm-10:00pm

Overnight Shift Worker – Oversee sleeping guests 10:00pm – 7:00am (this may be split depending on the availability of volunteers). You may have some time to sleep in shifts

Cook -  Responsible for purchasing grocery items (cost of these will be reimbursed), menu planning, making meals for 20 people, designating roles to kitchen helpers and leaving the kitchen clean and tidy.  4:45pm until after dinner.

Minibus Driver and helper – Pick up the minibus at about 5.15pm; pick up guests from designated location, take them to that night’s venue. Return bus. (Depending on the bus used a driver may need to be over 25 and hold a Light Rigid licence.)

Trailer Driver – Move the Winter Shelter trailer from one venue to the next during the day. Volunteer will need to use own vehicle with tow bar and be competent towing and reversing. Between 8:30am and 4:00pm

Roles you are applying for?

How often would you like to be rostered on?

The Winter Shelter operates from the 1st of June until the 31st of August Please indicate how often you would like to be rostered (e.g. weekly, fortnightly, etc). Where possible volunteers will be placed into teams. Ideally your commitment would be weekly or fortnightly to help simplify the roster. There is no minimum expectation for those offering to do night shift and it would be appreciated if volunteers filling other shifts would fill an overnight spot or two over the three months as these are the most difficult shifts to fill. Please advise us of any dates you know you will be unavailable.

Please indicate your availability
Select Roster Frequency
AM or PM preferred

Information Session

All new volunteers must attend a compulsory information session. If you have previously trained with Maroondah Winter Shelter, but would like to attend, you are very welcome. This year's information sessions can be found on the events tab.

Following your registration, you will be provided with a online training module.

Which information session will you be attending

Integrity Checks

I consent to undergo integrity checks as listed below
Do you have a current Working With Children's Check or Victorian Institute of Teaching card?

Working with Children's Check information

Apply or Update Your Working With Children Check

This information must be included on your Working With Children Check
Organisation:Maroondah Winter Shelter

(03) 9876 4503

6 Bemboka RoadCroydon HillsVictoria 3136

Volunteer Occupation Field: 64 Religious Organisation

WWCC Expiry Date?
Have you ever had any allegations of misconduct?
Have you ever had any child related work (paid or voluntary) refused or suspended?

Answering yes to the above questions doesn't automatically disqualify a person from volunteerism, but we would complete an assessment of other background checks and must enter a safety agreement in order for you to complete your role.

Referee Requirements

​As part of the integrity checks we are required to conduct reference checks on all Volunteers. Your referee needs to be from the following - past or present employer, a member or leader from a community group or association, however your referee may not be a family member. If you are having difficulty with providing such details, please contact the Maroondah Winter Shelter Program Coordinator, Gitta Clayton on 0451 744 453 or

Emergency Contact Information

I consent to Maroondah Winter Shelter, from time to time recording video or images during the program. These videos and images may be used for promotional purposes.


I am over 18 years of age. I have reviewed and completed this form as applicable to me. I give Winter Shelter permission to verify any information I have provided. This authorisation shall continue to be effective until revoked by me. A copy of this consent shall be as effective as the original By clicking submit below, I declare that all information on this form is true and accurate. I consent to my information being stored and used in accordance with Winter Shelter's privacy policy.

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